NHK WORLD PRIME Synopsis: Going quicker, farther, and striving for more. Since when have we been living in this kind of world? We can't do without it. We can't stop it. The more we have, the more we desire. This is the "capitalism of desire". Here is the first part of the 2018 continuation of our unconventional look at capitalism. How do frontrunners in the world economy think that capitalism should be controlled in the midst of these uncertain times? Young Japanese economist Yosuke Yasuda (Osaka University associate professor) travels to Paris to speak with French economist Daniel Cohen about the future of capitalism. Additionally, genius Czech economist Tomas Sedlacek has a spirited discussion with philosopher Markus Gabriel (University of Bonn professor) in Bonn, Germany. How effective are the visions left behind by leading economists such as Keynes, Marx and Schumpeter today? We'll try and come to terms with the recurring cycle of creation and destruction that forms the basis of capitalism.