Pit Bulls and Parolees Synopsis: In the third season, pit bulls and owners in need compel Tia and her dedicated team to head across the nation. Despite her own struggles to keep Villalobos up and running, Tia and Tania take an emotional trip to Alabama to help another canine rescue deal with the aftermath of a devastating tornado. Jake and Armando, now off parole, are given the opportunity of a lifetime when they head across the country solo to rescue two feral pit bulls that lost a battle with a porcupine. Adopters of all kinds, from a group of fun-loving bachelors to a mother and daughter duo with hearts of gold, open their homes to pit bulls in need. Emotions run high this season as Tia saves a gentle giant from spending his final days in an animal shelter. And in one of the most shocking adoptions Tia has ever witnessed, a habitually aggressive dog is instantly transformed the moment she reunites with her former owner. Finally, old and new members of Torres' team come together to witness one of Villalobos' best success stories, Armando, wed the love of his life.