So You Think You Can Dance Canada 2011

So You Think You Can Dance Canada Synopsis: Dance hopefuls from all over the country audition, vying for a boarding pass the Finals Week in Toronto. There, they will work with some of Canada's top choreographers to earn a spot in the Top 20. The dancers will then work in partners and select a different dance style each week, in the hopes gaining the public's votes. Two competitors are eliminated each week during the results shows.

  • Released: 2008-09-11
  • Genre:
  • Stars: Leah Miller, Jean-Marc Généreux, Luther Brown, Tre Armstrong, Blake McGrath
  • Director:
    Milan Curry-Sharples,
    Trisa Dayot,
    Sandra Faire,
    Janet Lavack
  • Link: So You Think You Can Dance Canada on CWR CRB

