Gilded Chopsticks Synopsis: KANGXI questions all princes. YINZHEN has discovered a jade pendant in Shanxi and the crown prince gives it to KANGXI. KANGXI recognizes that the jade pendant belongs to the ninth prince. He is very angry and he collapses. In order to cheer KANGXI up, the crown prince asks YINZHEN to invite TIN-PO to the palace for making buns again. TIN-PO introduces YINZHEN to SZE-TO and SZE-TO finds him an extraordinary person. YINZHEN meets YINSI and YINSI reminds him that the crown prince is involved in Shanxi's case. TIN-PO's servant LEE WAI picks up a piece of silver on the floor. RUOBI invites TIN-PO to meet up at the boat in the late evening and TIN-BO accepts the date immediately. LEE WAI is captured by GENGYAO for investigation. TIN-PO tries to speak for LEE WAI but he fails. MO-SUET admires YINSI and SZE-TO cannot bear to give advice to her. TIN-PO asks SZE-TO for help and SZE-TO asks him to find YINZHEN.… ...