The Chase Season 1 is an American television show which is directed by Hal Grant and Rich DiPirro. The Chase was premiered on 6 August 2013 and was hosted by Brooke Burns. From 2013 to 2015, the gaming show was directed by Hal Grant. The show resumed in 2021, and since then, Rich DiPirro has been handling the directing department. Till now, 4 seasons of The Chase have been released, but the first season will soon be premiering on Acorn TV.
In The Chase, contestants will have to answer questions before their competitors so they can continue playing the game and earn money, which will be included in their team’s fund. They will have to maintain a better scoreboard as compared to their competitor if they wish to stay in the game for a longer period.
In this article, you will get to know when the first season of The Chase will be released on Acorn TV, followed by the expected plot, cast, and other platforms where you can binge-watch the first season of this gaming show. So, without wasting any further seconds of yours, let’s start with this article on The Chase (American Game Show) Season 1.
The Chase Season 1 Release Date
The first season of the American game show The Chase is all set to be released on Acorn TV for the subscribers to watch and enjoy. It will be aired on 16 Oct. 2023 on the streaming platform. The Chase is an American gaming show which is based on a British show of the same name.
The show’s first season originally premiered on 6 August 2013 on Game Show Network or GSN. After its second season was released on 11 December 2015, the show went on hiatus and did not return before 2021. In the game, each contestant participates in the Cash Builder, which is also known as individual chase. In that stage, he/she tries to answer as many questions within one minute to earn money, which will be contributed to the prize fund of the team.
To remain in the game, each contestant will have to answer before their competitor to gain a better scoreboard. If not, they will have to say goodbye to the game. The American version of this game is produced by ITV Entertainment, and its current executive producers are David George, Bernie Schaeffer, Adam Sher, Vincent Rubino, and Simon Thomas.
The Chase Season 1 Expected Plot
The upcoming show, The Chase, is an American show that is adapted from a British game show of the same name. The first season of the game will be aired on 16 Oct. 2023 on Acorn TV for the viewers to watch. In the show, each contestant will first be participating in an individual chase, which is known as Chase Builder. In that case, he’ll have to answer as many questions as possible within one minute to win money, which will be included in their team’s prize fund.
They will have to score more by answering more questions so that their scoreboards look better than the others if they wish to stay in the game, having a better scoreboard is required otherwise they will have to leave the game and go back to their homes. After completing the individual chase they will go to the final chase.
In the final chase, the team will be competing against the team. In this stage, they will choose a set of questions randomly and will have 2 minutes to answer as many questions as possible. To answer the question, it is mandatory to ring, and if they answer without the ring, then it will be considered incorrect.
The Chase Season 1 Cast
The first season of The Chase stars Mark Labbett as a chaser. He has appeared on a British quiz show titled University Challenge, Fifteen to One, The Syndicate, and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. He was also one of the original chasers of the British version of the gaming show.
The show’s first season is produced by ITV Entertainment and executively produced by Bob Boden, Michael Kelpie, and Martin Scott.
The Chase is an American gaming show which is based on a British gaming show of the show. The first season of The Chase will be aired on 16 Oct. 2023 on Acorn TV for the viewers. The season is also available to binge-watch on the Netflix streaming platform.
The British version of The Chase is directed by Ian Hamilton, Stuart McDonald, and Mick Thomas.
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