The Monkey King 2 is an upcoming computer-animated fantasy action comedy film. Anthony Stacchi is the director of this movie. It is a prequel to the well-known Journey to the West literature from the Ming period. Jimmy O. Yang plays the titular trickster in the movie, with Bowen Yang, Jo Koy, BD Wong, Jolie Hoang-Rappaport, and Stephanie Hsu serving as his supporting cast members.
The first season aired on July 30, 2023. The Monkey King fans are very excited to have the second part and want to know more about the upcoming season. We understand your excitement, so here we are with all the details regarding the second part of The Monkey King.
The article will provide details like when The Monkey King 2 will be released. What might be the storyline of The Monkey King 2? Which casts are coming back for the second part of The Monkey King? How many episodes does The Monkey King 2 have? What is the new streaming platform for The Monkey King 2? Is there any trailer or teaser available for the second part of The Monkey King and many more?
The Monkey King 2 Release Date
The first part of The Monkey King was announced and premiered on July 30, 2023. The other parts will be released in the forthcoming years.
Unfortunately, there has yet to be an answer as to whether The Monkey King will return for a second part. Its renewal status currently needs to be confirmed. Also, the show is yet to be officially greenlit by its production studio. Regardless, the show’s creators have expressed interest in it for a second part and indicated potential plotlines.
The Monkey King 2 Plot
Netflix has not renewed the movie for a second part. We can only make certain assumptions about the storyline since very few details regarding the second part of The Monkey King are available. However, we can expect the upcoming part to pick up the story from where it left off in the previous part.
The Monkey King 2 Recap
The Monkey King serves as both the protagonist and antagonist of the film, depending on your perspective. He is a cunning and deceitful rebel fighter who has decided to use violence. The only objective of the Monkey King is to live forever and dominate the universe. While reading this, his intentions may sound pretty benevolent and calm, but the truth is very different. Here, the Monkey King only wants to take the quickest path to victory.
As time goes on, his behavior starts to lean fairly hostile. The greed and arrogance of the Monkey King soon lead him down a dark path. He gives in to his demons, which only makes him feel guilty. Only Lin makes an effort to assist him. This little child makes an effort to persuade him to return to the holy path. Our hero encounters numerous allies and enemies along the way, including The Dragon King and Benbo.
However, the Monkey King ultimately receives his justly deserved retribution. He is imprisoned in a stone cave by the Buddha for 500 years. He is eventually set free by a kindhearted bunch of travelers. Our protagonist will discover how to harness his evil and restrain his power in the sequel. We might witness the Monkey King teaming up with Tang Sanzang to look for Buddhist texts. Their group will battle monsters, demons, and other infernal beings.
The Monkey King 2 Cast
If renewed, The Monkey King 2 cast will include Jimmy O. Yang, Bowen Yang, Jo Koy, BD Wong, Jolie Hoang-Rappaport and Stephanie Hsu.
The Monkey King 2 Trailer
Is there any trailer available for the second part of The Monkey King? Unfortunately, No. Since the makers have yet to renew the famous movie, no trailer is available. But as we get information, we will update you about it!
The previous part of The Monkey King 2 is available on Netflix, so the second part will air on the same platform. The Monkey King fans are very excited to have the second part and want to know more about the upcoming part. It has yet to be confirmed the second part of The Monkey King. If it goes into making, it will likely be available on Netflix, just like in the first part.
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