Demo Plugin Text to Voice

Eja SutejaFebruary 27, 2020

Plugin Text to Voice menggunakan api dari google translator, fungsinya untuk merubah text menjadi suara atau voice. Plugin ini bisa digunakan untuk membuat video youtube tanpa bermodalkan kamera, dengan menggabungkan gambar2 dan menyatukanya dengan voice tanpa harus kita membacanya sendiri.

Silakan pencet tombol play “baca artikel” untuk mencobanya.

Start now improving your user engagement, accessibility, and audience growth

We’re a group of avid readers and podcast listeners who realized that sometimes it’s difficult to read up on our favorite blogs, news media and articles online when we’re busy commuting, working, driving, doing chores, and having our eyes and hands busy.

And so we asked ourselves: wouldn’t it be great if we can listen to these websites like a podcast, instead of reading? The next question also came up: how do people with learning disabilities and visual impairment are able to process information that are online in text?

Thus we created WebsiteVoice. The text-to-speech solution for bloggers and web content creators to allow their audience to tune in to their content for better user engagement, accessibility and growing more subscribers for their website.


Title: Demo Plugin Text to Voice

All content cited is derived from their respective sources. If you believe we have used your copyrighted content without permission, send us an email at contact and we will remove it immediately.


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