MORTAL KOMBAT Sub Zero vs Scorpion (2021) Trailer HD

Eja SutejaMarch 22, 2021

Official Mortal Kombat Movie Spot & Trailer 2021 | | Joe Taslim Movie Trailer | Release: 16 Apr 2021 | .​
A failing boxer uncovers a family secret that leads him to a mystical tournament called Mortal Kombat where he meets a group of warriors who fight to the death in order to save the realms from the evil sorcerer Shang Tsung. Based off the popular video game franchise.

Mortal Kombat (2021) is the new action movie starring Joe Taslim, Ludi Lin and Mehcad Brooks.


Title: MORTAL KOMBAT Sub Zero vs Scorpion (2021) Trailer HD

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