The Bill Synopsis: Acting DI Sam Nixon hustles Abigail and Glenn Weston into the station as reporter Dougie Pritchard approaches with a camera. Nixon wants Abi to have nothing to do with Weston, but he is insistent, and she agrees to meet with him to discuss terms. DS Phil Hunter uses Nixon's personal crisis to go over her head to DCI Jack Meadows to approve surveillance on Sid Wright, a security guard he believes is involved in the armed hold-up. Hunter's persistance pays off when it transpires Wright is planning a raid on the Metropolitan Police warehouse, and DC Ken Drummond is hastily drafted back into his undercover security guard persona. New PC Gabriel Kent starts at Sun Hill, but despite his age and ambition, his ""puppywalker"" PC Tony Stamp shows no mercy from the usual jokes played on probationers. PC Des Taviner confronts Sgt Sheelagh Murphy with his feelings for her, and despite her initial objections, the two end up going home together.