Agries Melisses Synopsis: The members of the cooperative understand the real intentions of Nikiforos who signs the agreement despite their objections. The divorce of Doukas and Myrsini falls like a bomb on the house of Sevasti. Everyone is trying to learn the word and prevent the Duke who is adamant. Will Boscaris' threat unite the couple again? Miltiadis tries to convince Lambros, Violeta and Annette that the incident with the Study was insignificant, while Eleni reveals in the village what happened in the prison in the hands of Boskaris causing unrest. The whole village is opposite Voskari which is trying to be caught from somewhere. Themelis catapults Meletis once again, implying that Domna uses him. Konstantis helps Drosso see Sergio, while Eleni tries to help Madourou find her husband again.How will he react to Voskari?