Kick Synopsis: After an angry misunderstanding over professional conduct, Miki and Joe become closer than ever. Hoa gets a gig slap-dancing at a Tyrolean restaurant and consoles Lien after she's groped by Amen. Tatiana and Ozzie make a documentary about Hope St.; Get Up, Stand Up - Nico scores Miki a stand-up gig at a trendy club. Layla is shocked when Jackie crashes her engagement party. Ozzie films Tatiana being red-carded for punching the striker of an opposing football team. Hoa lines up a dodgy business deal and recruits Lien's help. Joe's reconciliation with Jan breaks down and he goes to Miki's gig, where he's stunned that much of her schtick is about him. Then he's devastated to see Nico and Miki passionately kiss.