Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe Synopsis: Brooker comments on television, news and other media from 2010, in chronological order. Discussed in depth are the 2010 UK general election and its consequences, as well as television and newspaper coverage of the 2010 Northumbria Police manhunt. Brooker also satirises the news media's coverage of snow and the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Tiger Woods' indeflity, musical shows such as Pineapple Dance Studios and Over the Rainbow, Inception, global coverage of Mary Bale putting a cat in a bin, The Apprentice, The Only Way Is Essex and the 2010 Copiapó mining accident. Barry Shitpeas reviews Downton Abbey, Daybreak and The X Factor; Grace Dent covers EastEnders Live; Doug Stanhope talks about the media reaction to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.