Created and directed by Stefan Jaworski, Elves is a Danish fantasy horror drama television series. A Danish family goes to an island at Aarmand to celebrate Christmas. However, they are unaware of the fact that carnivorous elves are residing at the place. Jose, the story’s protagonist, and the family’s youngest member find a baby elf who is lost and their car had already hit the elf while they were on their way to their house.
Jose decides to name the elf Kee-ko, and while the elves begin to target people, the family must battle to stay alive. Jaworski is also the executive producer of the series, along with Jonas Allen, Christian Potalivo, Peter Bose, and Jannik Tai Mosholt, and Elise H. Lund is the producer.
The creator of the series hired some talented stars for the characters of the series that includes Sonja Sofie Engberg Steen, Vivelill Søgaard Holm, Peder Thomas Pedersen, Rasmus Hammeric, Milo Campanale, Lila Nobel, and Ann Eleonora Jorgensen.
The series debuted on November 28, 2021, on Netflix with its six episodes. The show received mixed response. The Guardian rated it 2 out of 5 and called it a show where E.T. gets to meet Wicker Man and called it very bland. CBR stated that the show could not be considered a horror show adding that it did not have the important elements. According to Michigan Daily, audiences cannot sympathize easily with the lead character, and while the show continues, the makers could have improved by bringing in better characters.
They said that it is not so creative and that a twist on Christmas is not something that can be imagined in reality. However, they mentioned that the show can still be watched and it was also praised by Nordic Watch stating that it is a blending of Christmas family drama with fantasy, folklore, and horror and the series is also freaky and fun to watch. The show managed to reach the list of the top ten most-viewed series on Netflix in December 2021.
Are you curious about the second season of this Danish fantasy horror drama television series? Here, we have all the information related to Elves Season2.
Elves Season 2 Release Date
The series was released on November 28, 2021, on Netflix and also received a decent response from critics and audiences but it still has not been renewed for a second season yet, nor have the makers canceled the show yet. So there is still some hope for the second season of Elves. Once the makers renew Elves for season 2, they will surely announce the official date for the new season.
Elves Season 2 Storyline
It’s been almost a year since Elves Season 2 premiered on Netflix. The first season did not receive a decent response as expected, and the makers have not confirmed a second season until now. However, they have also not canceled the show, which means we might get to see a second season, but we don’t have any idea when.
The plot of the show was nothing new compared to the shows that we have seen in recent years. It had a routine plot where a group is trapped in a remote place from where they cannot possibly contact anyone. The only difference here is that we get to see elves and the twist is that they are carnivorous. Although it received a mixed response, it has the elements of horror and fantasy blended, and that’s what helped the show to reach on top of the list of the best shows on Netflix.
Since this is a horror fantasy drama, various things can be explored and that is what we can expect to see in Season 2 if it is confirmed.
Elves Season 2 Cast
The cast of Elves includes Sonja Sofie Engberg Steen played the role of Jose Svane, Vivelill Søgaard Holm played the role of Liv, Peder Thomas Pedersen played the role of Mads: Jose’s father, Rasmus Hammeric played the role of Moller, Milo Campanale played the role of Kasper, Lila Nobel played the role of Charlotte, Ann Eleonora Jorgensen played the role of Karen, and Lukas Løkken played the role of Anders.
Elves Season 2 Trailer
Since the makers of the show have not renewed the series for a second season yet, there is no trailer available for Elves Season 2.
The Danish fantasy horror drama television series debuted in 2021, on the streaming service platform Netflix, which was founded by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings in Scotts Valley, California, in 1997.
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