Created for Netflix by the Emmy winner Abi Morgan, Eric is a psychologically frightening thriller television series. The backdrop of the show is set during the 80s when the AIDS pandemic took all over the world. It focuses on the lives of Edgar and his father Eric, who is also a detective.
Morgan, wrote various shows including Series River, which was eventually canceled at the time. He was also the executive producer and showrunner of the Series River. The show was announced in September and there are few details available about its development. Other details about the upcoming Netflix show have not been disclosed yet.
Are you curious to know about this psychologically frightening thriller television series? What is the release date of this upcoming psychological frightening thriller television series? Who will be in the cast of this psychologically frightening thriller television series? What is the storyline of this psychologically frightening thriller television series, Eric? Here, we are going to discuss Eric Season 1.
Eric Season 1 Release Date
The makers of this psychologically frightening thriller television series have not launched the series yet. The series is currently under development and various scripts are being considered. Netflix has confirmed that pre-production is scheduled to start soon and filming has been planned for 2023. The show will be shot in Budapest, Hungary, and New York. The show’s post-production is scheduled to be completed by June. So, we can be expected to see the series in late 2023.
Eric Season 1 Storyline
Eric is a show that is full of thrill and suspense and the lead character here is a little child, whose name is Edgar. Edgar has been missing since the 80s and his disappearance had a very bad impact on his father Vincent. Vincent is working as a puppeteer who is working in one of the most famous American programs made only for kids. When he cannot find anything about Edgar, Vincent tries to maintain a good relationship with Eric, whom he met recently.
However, Eric is a monster who has been living below Edgar’s bed for a long time. Vincent is determined to face all the problems that would come his way while he continues searching for his son and the reasons behind his disappearance. He slowly finds out that there are more monsters involved in all this and the situation is worse than he ever imagined. He takes the help of Detective Ledroit who has been involved in the search of Edgar for a long time. However, the detective is also not spared from anything and he has to eventually face a few truths that have remained hidden for a long time.
Eric Season 1 Cast
The makers have not officially confirmed the cast details of Eric. Usually, most of the series announce their cast members officially before the production of the series begins. So, we can expect the same from the makers of Eric. However, Edgar is the lead character of the series whose father’s name is Vincent, and has a detective named Ledroit.
For now, it has been confirmed that the makers have hired Abi Morgan as the show’s writer. Morgan has been the recipient of an Emmy Award and has worked on different successful projects like Iron Lady, The Hour, and Shame. Morgan will also be the executive producer of the show and SISTER’s Jane Featherstone and Lucy Dyke have been hired as the producers.
Sad to say that the trailer for Eric has not been released yet and also not sure when they will release it. Production and filming for the series have not started yet and already we have mentioned that the series is expected to premiere in late 2023. So, we have to wait for the trailer of Eric until the makers confirm the series’ release date.
Before the trailer is out from the side of Netflix, there are other shows that you would love to watch. This includes The Nurse, which is based on a true story. It speaks about a nurse who has been murdering people for around 16 years.
You cannot watch this upcoming psychological frightening thriller television series, Eric, online on any official platforms since the makers have not released it. It will be aired in late 2023 on the American subscription video-on-demand over-the-top streaming service Netflix. If you want to watch this amazing series then you have to buy a plan for this OTT platform. Subscriptions for Netflix is available at a price range between Rs. 149 and Rs. 879.
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