Killing It is a comedy TV series by the creator of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Dan Goor, and Luke Del Tredici. In an era of half-hour comedies, Peacock’s original “Killing it” is not far in the list of best comedy series of 2022. The Office’s Craig Robinson stars in this mellow comedy about class, capitalism, and the American dream. Killing it has recently been sequenced for a season 2 following the success of its first season.
Goor’s production company, Dr. Goor Productions produced Killing It in conjunction with Tumultuous Inc., and Universal Television. Goor and Luke Del Tredici are executive producers of the comedy series alongside lead actors Craig Robinson, Mark Schulman, and Mo Marable. Killing It premiered on Peacock on March 31, 2022, followed by nine more episodes on April 14, 2022, to complete the first season. Killing It was sequenced for season 2 about two months after. Here is everything we know about the series and its upcoming season 2.
Killing It Story
Craig Robinson, a bank security guard with the American dream of becoming an Entrepreneur joins the Florida Python Challenge to win its grand prize of $20,000. The comedy series, Killing It, begins where we see a rich Craig asking the maid cleaning his penthouse hotel room to sit and listen to his story. Craig then takes us back to a bodega in 1988, where his father tells him and his younger brother, Isaiah, that hard work is the only way to get what they want, right before their father gets shot.
We then cut to 2018 where Craig is a broke and divorced bank security guard pitching a palmetto business to every white loan officer that will listen, beginning with the bank he works for. When his workplace denies him a loan, Craig allows his brother, Isaiah, to rob the bank. Craig is fired, and his already cash-poor condition worsens so much that he rents out his apartment and decides to use his car as a home.
Craig’s quest to acquire a loan continues, which is how he meets Uber driver, Jillian, an equally exploited poor citizen participating in a state-sponsored python hunting contest. Jillian introduces Craig to the challenge, and the two desperate adults team up to win the grand prize.
Killing it is about class, capitalism, and empty American dreams that leave the rich at the top, and the poor at the bottom, no matter how hard any of them work or how much they crave each other’s duties. The show takes relevant topics and turns them into simple and funny stories using a lot of snakes and hilarious rookie mistakes.
Killing it Season 2 Cast
The cast of Killing It is a small one consisting of five main actors and four recurring ones. Here is a list of Killing It Cast:
We can expect to see the same cast in Killings It season 2.
Killing it Season 2 Release Date
Killing It was sequenced for season 2 on June 22, 2022, however, there has been no news of a premiere date being set. The second season would probably have ten half-hour episodes like the previous season, and it will be released on Peacock in the United States. We know the crew of Killing It are excited to keep telling this wild and hilarious story.
“At its heart, Killing It demonstrates the wild ride we are willing to take when we are passionate about something, while also reminding us to support one another…because there are a lot of snakes out there! This series is a compassionate and hilarious comedy that anyone who has ever been in pursuit of a dream can relate to; that’s what makes it so special. We’re excited that Peacock has embraced this distinct show, and look forward to continuing our partnership with Dan, Luke, Craig, Claudia and the rest of this fantastic team on a season two.” – Erin Underhill, president of Universal Television.
Killing it Ratings
Although Killing It lacks that extra fire and fuzz in other comedies like Brooklyn Nine-Nine, its satiric depiction of American life is spot on, leaving the series with good, if not excellent, ratings that recommend it. Killing It has a rating of 89% on Rotten Tomatoes, 70/100 on Metacritic, and 7.1/10 on IMDb. Hopefully Killing It Season 2 has a better package in store for us.
The first season of Killing It is available only on Peacock, and the second season too will be available. Peacock is only available in the US and is newly available to NOW and Star subscribers in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Austria. Those outside these countries can access Peacock using a VPN.
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